A Long Time Gone

It has been over a year since my last post – and what a year! Personally, I have been on a rollercoaster as my mom’s dementia progressed and a new home had to be found. I am submitting my final products for my M.Ed. program and interviewing for a new position. Not to mention we are almost a year into a global pandemic. So much, right?

In the course of all of these things, I have sat down to update my blog numerous times, and I have a long list of drafts to show for it. Somehow I lost my confidence in voice along the way, but I am finding it again. I don’t know if this is the place where I will share it or not. I have the ideas and beginning research for a podcast in the works, but that topic will be very specific. So much is unknown about the world and my own self right now.

I have discovered that I can reach remotely and fall in love with my students just as I always have. I have learned that relationships matter more, not less, when teaching through a screen. I have learned that one of the ways I can impact social change is by deepening my understanding of my students, their family cultures and their preferred learning styles.

In this time I have also learned that my biggest obstacle to greatness is myself and the demands I put on myself to be perfect. I can never live up to the ideal that was established long ago, and letting go of that has been painful and freeing at the same time.

I believe all of these learnings are going to help me be a better teacher and a better leader. i am more open and more willing to vulnerable and admit when I don’t know or understand. My hope is that it will help those around me feel free to do the same.

As I turn in my final assignments and complete this portion of my academic journey, I am going to spend a lot of time reflecting on where I have been and the possibilities of where i can go next. I hope you come along with me.

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